Sunday, September 30, 2012

Google Play offers 25 cent apps!

Google is celebrating 25 Billion app downloads to their Android devices by offering a 25-cent sale!

For a short time, Google will be changing the apps offered each day that are being sold for only a quarter each. Check it out quick and see if there are any apps you want to snag at a steep discount! It's also worth noting that some of the apps offered during previous days have retained their 25-cent price (most likely only temporarily), so if you don't see any apps that strike your fancy, it may be worth seeing if any you've had your eyes on are currently on sale!

If you want to know when other cool promotions are going on for the Google Play store, it may be worth noting that they recently launched a new Twitter specifically for Google Play, @GooglePlay. Check it out whether you're an app addict or just like to keep on top of what's happening in the world of Android Apps!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

App Review: 100 Floors (for Android and iOS)

For my first review, I'm going to recommend a game called 100 Floors, available for both Android devices and iOS.

100 Floors is a puzzle game, where the object of each floor is to solve the puzzle that opens the door to the next level. As the name suggests, there are 100 floors to pass in order to beat the game.

The game starts off with a few "tutorial" levels which give clues as to how the game play works. Almost any aspect of manipulating your phone (or iPod Touch) can be used in this game, from poking, pinching, shaking, to adjusting the volume. Some levels could involve pressing buttons, moving and manipulating objects, deciphering clues, and any other variety of puzzle you can come up with.

As the game play continues, the puzzles get increasingly more difficult, but in my experience I've found the difficulty can very much just rely on how you think. Some floors I've passed in seconds frustrate my friends for a long time before figuring it out, or requesting a hint from me.

I've found the game to be extremely enjoyable, and am currently two floors away from beating all 100 levels. However, at times I've found the game can be super glitchy. Solutions may require super accurate actions that can be difficult to pull off, making it possible to attempt the correct solution without actually opening the door and beating the level. Other floors are just annoyingly difficult to pull off, but overall the game is very well-balanced and has plenty of different puzzles to work through, giving something for every type of puzzle-lover.

Fitting the perfect balance of frustrating and rewarding, 100 Floors is a great game to download and play when you want a distraction which works your brain.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Welcome to Tech Geekery!

Hello there, and thanks for stopping by! I'm Alexa, and on this blog I'll be sharing thoughts, tips, and opinions on all things tech related. From Android and iPod Touch app reviews, to how-tos on more efficient computer usage,  I plan to use this blog to share a variety of information.

For some background, I'm a college student who's been really into computers, gadgets, and the web for years now. I love learning how it all works, and (cautiously) experimenting and playing around. I'm not an expert by any means, but I can easily figure out or learn anything I need to know. For a long time, I've used an iPod Touch as a "poor man's smartphone" and used it on a regular basis for apps and music. Just a month ago, my last "dumb phone" finally died, and I was lucky enough for my parents to replace it with my first smartphone -- an LG Lucid which runs Android. It's my latest tech acquisition that makes me feel like I'm finally a part of the 21st century!

I figure a "welcome" post is not as interesting as the content that's promised, so I'm going to end this here. If you have any questions or would like to suggest something you'd like covered in a blog post, just let me know! I'd love to hear from you! =)